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Mastering Effortless Garden Irrigation: A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting Your Own Olla with Bumbleseeds

Mastering Effortless Garden Irrigation: A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting Your Own Olla with Bumbleseeds

In the realm of sustainable gardening, the use of Ollas has gained popularity for their efficiency in irrigation. Derived from the Spanish word for "pot," Ollas are unglazed clay vessels buried in the soil to provide slow and consistent watering to plants. In this guide, we'll explore the step-by-step process of creating your own Olla, ensuring a bountiful harvest with minimal effort.

Materials Needed:
1. Terracotta Clay Pot: Choose an unglazed, porous terracotta pot with a wide base. The size depends on your garden layout and water requirements.
2. Terracotta Saucer: Select a saucer that fits snugly on top of the pot to act as the Olla's lid.
3. Non-Toxic Sealant: To seal the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot.
4. Sandpaper: For smoothing the edges of the pot.
5. Cork: Optional but recommended for extra sealing.

Step 1: Selecting the Pot
Opt for a terracotta pot that suits your garden's needs. Consider the size of your plants and the area you want to irrigate. Bumbleseeds recommends a pot with a capacity ranging from 1 to 5 gallons, depending on the plant's water requirements.

Step 2: Smoothing the Edges
Use sandpaper to smooth any rough edges or imperfections on the pot. This helps ensure a proper seal and prevents damage to your hands during the crafting process.

Step 3: Sealing the Drainage Hole
Apply a non-toxic sealant to the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. This step is crucial to transform the pot into a water reservoir. Allow the sealant to dry thoroughly before proceeding.

Step 4: Lid Preparation
Place the terracotta saucer on top of the pot to act as a lid. Ensure it fits securely to prevent evaporation and debris from entering the Olla. Apply waterproof epoxy around the edges for added protection.

Step 5: Burying the Olla
Dig a hole in your garden soil, making sure it's deep enough to accommodate the pot with the saucer lid. Bury the Olla, leaving the top of the saucer level with the soil surface.

Step 6: Filling and Testing
Fill the Olla with water through the saucer opening. Monitor the rate of water seepage and adjust as needed. The Olla should provide a slow, steady release of water to your plants, promoting deep root growth.

Why Opt for Ollas in Garden Irrigation

1. Efficient Watering: Ollas minimize water waste, delivering moisture directly to plant roots. The gradual seepage reduces evaporation, ensuring targeted watering for optimal efficiency.

2. Promotes Root Growth: Controlled watering with Ollas encourages plants to develop deep, sturdy root systems, essential for stability and nutrient absorption.

3. Low Maintenance, High Impact: Ollas operate on a self-watering principle, requiring minimal gardener intervention. Once buried and filled, they eliminate the need for daily watering or manual irrigation systems.

4. Cost-Effective DIY Solution: Crafting your own Olla from basic materials like terracotta pots offers an affordable alternative to commercial irrigation systems.

5. Versatility for Different Plants: Ollas adapt to various plant needs, making them suitable for cultivating vegetables, herbs, or flowers with customizable watering based on each species' requirements.

6. Temperature Adaptation: Ollas act as a buffer against fluctuating temperatures and unpredictable weather, providing a gradual water release for plant stability.

7. Improved Nutrient Absorption: The slow, deep watering from Ollas enhances nutrient uptake, particularly beneficial for nutrient-demanding plants.

Choosing Ollas for garden irrigation prioritizes efficient watering, root health, and a cost-effective DIY approach, contributing to a more eco-friendly gardening experience.

Crafting your own Olla with Bumbleseeds not only contributes to sustainable gardening practices but also ensures that your plants receive consistent and efficient irrigation. By following these detailed steps, you'll master the art of effortless garden watering, leading to healthier and more productive crops. Happy gardening!

Kyla Rawlins
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Unlocking Germination Success: A Guide to Starting Seeds with Stratification

Unlocking Germination Success: A Guide to Starting Seeds with Stratification

When it comes to gardening, the journey begins long before you see the first green sprouts. Seed starting is a crucial phase that sets the foundation for a bountiful harvest. In this guide, we'll delve into the art of starting seeds, emphasizing the importance of a process known as stratification for certain seeds, and why now is the perfect time to kickstart your gardening adventure.

The Basics of Seed Starting

Starting seeds indoors allows you to get a head start on the growing season, providing young plants with the optimal conditions for germination. By controlling factors like temperature, light, and moisture, you can ensure a higher success rate when transitioning seedlings to the great outdoors.

What is Stratification?

Stratification mimics the natural conditions seeds would experience outdoors over winter. Some seeds, especially those from cold climates, require a period of cold and damp conditions to break dormancy and signal that it's time to sprout. This process, known as stratification, is essential for the successful germination of certain plants like many perennial flowers, berries, and some tree species.

Why is Stratification Important?

1. Breaking Dormancy: Seeds have built-in mechanisms to prevent premature germination. Stratification helps break these dormancy barriers, promoting more consistent and robust sprouting.

2. Enhanced Germination Rates: For seeds that necessitate stratification, skipping this step can result in uneven or delayed germination. Properly stratified seeds exhibit higher germination rates, leading to healthier seedlings.

3. Adaptation to Environment: By subjecting seeds to stratification, you're essentially acclimating them to the conditions they'll encounter in the natural environment. This process enhances their resilience and adaptability once planted outdoors.

Starting Now for Success

As we enter the colder months, it's an opportune time to kick off the stratification process. Many seeds require a period of cold, and by starting now, you're aligning with nature's rhythm. Begin by researching the specific needs of the seeds you plan to grow, as not all seeds require stratification.

Step-by-Step Guide to Stratification:

1. Research: Identify which seeds in your collection require stratification. Consult seed packets or reliable gardening resources for information.

2. Moisture Control: Place seeds in a damp medium like vermiculite or moist paper towels. Ensure they are not overly wet, as excess moisture can lead to mold.

3. Cold Treatment: Store the seeds in a refrigerator for the recommended period, usually ranging from a few weeks to a few months. This simulates winter conditions, prompting the seeds to undergo the necessary changes.

4. Monitoring: Regularly check the moisture levels and monitor for any signs of germination during the stratification period.


Embarking on the journey of seed starting with a focus on proper stratification sets the stage for a successful and rewarding gardening experience. As you prepare to sow the seeds of your favorite plants, consider the unique needs of each variety and give them the cold treatment they deserve.

The result? A garden bursting with vitality and the satisfaction of nurturing life from its earliest stages. Happy gardening!

Kyla Rawlins
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The Healing Garden. Medicinal Herbs We Can All Sow and Grow!

The Healing Garden. Medicinal Herbs We Can All Sow and Grow!

Gardening, whether you're a 'new bee' or experienced, is a fantastic hobby!

We still get excited when seedlings peek out of the soil in the early spring, and how the simple beauty of flowers brings us joy. We are especially grateful to have learned (by trial and error mind you) how to take a little area of a backyard, a blank slate really,  and make it into a pollinators' paradise!

We also experimented with growing our own food...from edible flowers to cut and come again fresh greens, and 'new to us' berries (alpine strawberries yum!) and so  many new vegetable varieties to grow for our families and supplement store bought produce. Its amazing to see how long freshly picked home grown lettuce lasts in the fridge!

Our gardening experiences this past year has grown by leaps and bounds - despite the deer and bunnies thinking we planted it all for them!  We learned how to incorporate raised beds in order to plant things we needed to protect, that would grow better in a contained space (yes - mint! ), and deer fencing, bunny proofing and most importantly, rain harvesting and water conservation. Finding solutions to issues that would affect the garden and its production became our primary focus. Just like our ancestors had to do in the good old days!

With natural healing in mind, our new road to discovery leads us down the rabbit hole in search of medicinal herbs and how, just like our ancestors, we can learn more about building up and strengthening our immune systems - with herbs. We converted the sunken garden into a medicinal garden and the pollinators love it!

The importance of knowing what we grow, sowing without chemicals, and eating healthy home grown produce from our own gardens is a fantastic start to improving our health. Medicinal herbs, and discovering how they can further improve our health naturally, is becoming more well know and we find it increasingly interesting! We hope you can join us on the road to natural wellness!

Here are some of the medicinal plants we have in stock below:

Please click on the links for more information
  1. Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) traditionally, Anise Hyssop is used for both respiratory illness and as a wash for poison ivy. Anise Hyssop offers us a simultaneously grounding and clarifying sensation and is uplifting to the spirits.
  2. Arnica (Arnica chamissonis, A. montana) has been used for medicinal purposes since the 1500s and is still popular today. Applied to the skin as a cream, ointment, liniment, salve, or tincture, arnica has been used to soothe muscle aches, reduce inflammation, and heal wounds.
  3. Artemisia (Artemisia annua): short term use only; Commonly known as wormwood or sweet sagewort, Artemisia annua has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for fevers, inflammation, headaches, bleeding, and malaria.
  4. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) contains chemicals that might help calm the brain, reduce swelling, lower blood pressure, and alter the immune system. Since ashwagandha is traditionally used as an adaptogen, it is used for many conditions related to stress. Adaptogens are believed to help the body resist physical and mental stress.
  5. Basil – Holy (Tulsi) (Ocicum tenuiflorum) is used for stomach spasms, loss of appetite, intestinal gas, kidney conditions, fluid retention, head colds, warts, and worm infections. It is also used to treat snake and insect bites. Women sometimes use basil before and after childbirth to promote blood circulation, and also to start the flow of breast milk.
  6. Beebalm (Monarda didyma) Monarda may be used during cold and flu season in a variety of ways. It has been infused into honey for a sore throat, made into a tea to fight infection and relieve fever, or inhaled as a steam to loosen phlegm and flush out congestion in the respiratory tract
  7. Borage ( Borago officinalis) In traditional medicine, borage is used as a sedative and a diuretic, and as a treatment for seizures and kidney disease. The leaves are often used as dried herbs or tea. Today, fresh borage is eaten and used as a garnish or in drinks. The seeds are also pressed to make borage seed oil, which is used as a supplement.
  8. Black Cohosh (Actea racemosa) is most commonly used for menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes (also called hot flushes) and night sweats (together known as vasomotor symptoms), vaginal dryness, heart palpitations, tinnitus, vertigo, sleep disturbances, nervousness, and irritability
  9. Black Seed (Nigella sativa) according to research, the compound has antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and liver- and kidney-protective propertiesthat enhance the process of healing in a range of conditions, including acne and systemic illnesses like diabetes.
  10. Calendula (Calendula officinalis) as an antiseptic use Calendula tincture to cleanse and heal wounds. Use as a gargle add tincture to a glass of water to treat sore throats, gum inflammation and oral health. To combat fungal infections such as candida and yeast infections. Use on bug bites and itchy skin.
  11. Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) used for upset stomach and other digestive disorders, kidney diseases, menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea), symptoms of menopause, anxiety, stress, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
  12. Coleus (Coleus forskohlii) is an Ayurvedic medicinal plant used historically to treat high blood pressure, heart failure, eczema, digestive colic, respiratory ailments, painful urination, insomnia, and seizures, as well as overweight and obesity. 
  13. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) In Western Europe, comfrey has been used topically for treating inflammatory disorders such as arthritis, gout, and thrombophlebitis, and internally for treating diarrhea. Comfrey has been claimed to heal gastric ulcers and hemorrhoids, and to suppress bronchial congestion and inflammation.
  14. Culver’s Root (Veronicastrum virginicum) can affect the liver and gallbladder by increasing the production and secretion of bile, which lubricates the intestines which in turns enhances bowel movements.
  15. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) leaves are used to stimulate the appetite and help digestion. Dandelion flower has antioxidant properties. Dandelion may also help improve the immune system. Herbalists use dandelion root to detoxify the liver and gallbladder, and dandelion leaves to help kidney function. Note: Avoid dandelion; if you are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigold, chamomile, yarrow, daisies, or iodine, you should avoid dandelion. In some people, dandelion can cause increased stomach acid and heartburn. It may also irritate the skin.
  16. Echinacea (Echinacea pallida, E. angustifolia, Echinacea purpurea) is a common herb and is used in tinctures to boost immune systems. Professional herbalists may recommend echinacea to treat urinary tract infections, vaginal yeast (candida) infections, ear infections (also known as otitis media), athlete's foot, sinusitis, hay fever (also called allergic rhinitis), as well as slow-healing wounds.
  17. Elderberry (Sambucus nigra, S. nigra var. canadensis) contains an antioxidant called anthocyanin; research suggests that anthocyanins can help reduce inflammation. A tincture made with elderberry may replicate the effects.
  18. Elecampane (Inula helenium) root is used to make medicine. Elecampane is used for lung diseases including asthma, bronchitis, and whooping cough. It is also used to prevent coughing, especially coughing caused by tuberculosis; and as an expectorant to help loosen phlegm, so it can be coughed up more easily
  19. Epazote (Dysphania ambrosioides) commonly used for relieving flatulence, treating parasites, and alleviating abdominal cramps.
  20. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help reduce high blood lipid levels / hyperlipidemia and as supportive therapy to help control glucose levels, as a nutritive tonic, as a digestive tonic to aid digestion and help relieve dyspepsia and gastritis and as a lactogenic to assist in the production.
  21. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) In fact, tinctures or teas made from fennel seeds can be used to treat stomach muscle spasms caused by irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and other conditions affecting the gastrointestinal system.
  22. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is used mostly to treat and prevent headaches. Feverfew was popular in the 1980s as a treatment for migraines. A survey of 270 people with migraines in Great Britain found that more than 70% of them felt much better after taking an average of 2 to 3 fresh feverfew leaves daily.
  23. Fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium) is an herb. The parts of the plant that grow above ground are used to make medicine. Fireweed is used for pain and swelling (inflammation), fevers, tumors, wounds, and enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH). It is also used as an astringent and as a tonic.
  24. Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) popular for its traditional effects on the lower urinary tract, inflammation, and bacteria and fungi. It is most commonly used as a diuretic.
  25. Klip Dagga (Leonotis leonurus) can be added to drinks or food, used as a topical, or taken as a tincture. It is an excellent source of nutrition and has a variety of health benefits. The extract is known for its calming and relaxing effects, and can be used to help with stress, anxiety, and depression.
  26. Lavender ( Lavendula angustifolia) a number of studies have reported that lavender (essential oil) may be beneficial in a variety of conditions, including insomnia, alopecia (hair loss), anxiety, stress, and postoperative pain. However, most of these studies have been small. Lavender is also being studied for antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  27. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a member of the mint family and is considered a calming herb. It was used as far back as the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep, improve appetite, and ease pain and discomfort from indigestion (including gas and bloating, as well as colic).
  28. Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) was used traditionally for treating a variety of conditions, including lung, liver, circulatory, and kidney diseases. Today, licorice root is promoted as a dietary supplement for conditions such as digestive problems, menopausal symptoms, cough, and bacterial and viral infections.
  29. Maral Root (Rhaponticum carthamoides) stimulates mental, physical sharpness and fortitude; provides relief from overstrained muscles, fatigue from overwork and weakness from illness. Maral root has also become an effective medicine in the treatment of impotence and erectile dysfunction. Helps people who suffer from anxiety depression and alcohol addiction.
  30. Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis) one recent study confirmed that marshmallow preparations help soothe irritated mucous membranes due to Asthma, Bronchitis, Common cold/sore throat, Cough, Inflammatory bowel diseases (such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), Indigestion, Stomach ulcers and skin inflammation.
  31. Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) is taken by mouth most often for liver disorders, including liver damage caused by chemicals, alcohol, and chemotherapy, as well as liver damage caused by Amanita mushroom poisoning, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, chronic inflammatory liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and chronic hepatitis.
  32. Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) flowers and stem bark are used to make medicine. Albizia julibrissin is used for anxiety, cancer, insomnia, skin infections, and other conditions
  33. Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is used for heart conditions, including heart failure, irregular heartbeat, fast heartbeat, and heart symptoms due to anxiety. It is also used for the absence of menstrual periods, intestinal gas (flatulence), and over-active thyroid (hyperthyroidism).
  34. Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) has been used in traditional systems of medicine in different parts of the world. Today, Mugwort taken orally (by mouth) is promoted for digestive problems, irregular menstruation, and high blood pressure. It is also promoted as a sedative, laxative, and liver tonic.
  35. Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) contains chemicals that might help fight certain infections. Typically used as an expectorant to help relieve chest complaints such as catarrh, coughs, and bronchitis. Mullein is sometimes called Aaron's rod
  36. Nepeta (Nepeta cataria aka Cat mint) often brewed as a child-friendly herb into a soothing tisane, but it can also be taken internally as a tincture. For topical use, catnip can be infused in oils, or used as an essential oil or hydrosol to bring an herbaceous, relaxing scent to body care products
  37. Nettle (Urtica dioica) provides a wide variety of nutrients, and as a tincture can be taken daily as a natural detox and immune system booster. Nettle can also reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, alleviate pain from headaches and migraines, and more
  38. Cuban Oregano (Plectranthus Coleus amboinicus) also known as Broadleaf Thyme, Indian Borage, Mexican Mint. Used for respiratory issues like Bronchitis, Allergies, Asthma, Colds, and Coughs. This plant has also been used to treat malarial fevers, convulsions, and epilepsy. For the digestive system, it treats indigestion and stomach cramps.
  39. Oregano (Origanum vulgare) this is an excellent herb to take on a regular basis as preventative care, even if you feel healthy. Clinical trials have shown the possibility of the ability to conquer infections with its antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  40. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) soothes and calms the digestive system when used internally or externally. Great for soothing morning sickness, motion sickness, and stomach aches. Peppermint helps get rid of gas, indigestion and heartburn. It's also good for relaxing nerves and improving circulation.
  41. Poke (Phytolacca decandra) root is a traditional herbal remedy said to treat cancer, infections, and inflammation, but the available research has only involved cell cultures or animals. The supposed benefits haven't been proven in humans
  42. Rosemary (Salvia Rosmarinus) also known as the herb of remembrance, Rosemary is notorious for her benefits to the brain and ability to promote clear thinking and sharp memory. With a unique, zingy refreshing scent, Rosemary has a long history of traditional use. Tincture can be added to a little liquid and taken daily.
  43. Sage - Broadleaved Sage (Salvia officinalis) known as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, powerhouse herb with a wide variety of healing properties. Sage has been used to treat a number of concerns, such as: Digestive problems, including loss of appetite, stomach pain, gas, diarrhea, bloating, and Heartburn
  44. Speedwell (Veronica officinalis) commonly used to treat coughs and other respiratory diseases. It is also appropriate for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism, digestive problems like diarrhea, and a gargle to treat sore throat
  45. St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) promoted for depression, menopausal symptoms, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), somatic symptom disorder (a condition in which a person feels extreme, exaggerated anxiety about physical symptoms), obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other conditions.
  46. Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), Use topically only unless consulting with a health professional. Tansy has a long tradition of being used for an effective treatment for intestinal worms. It is also used for repelling insects, such as lice, tics and mosquitoes. Tansy has also been used for migraines, rheumatism, promoting menstruation, herpes simplex, gout, epileptic seizures, fevers, poor appetite
  47. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) the antiseptic compounds – caryophyllene, camphene and thymol – found in Thyme will guard wounds against infections and speed up healing. The antispasmodic qualities of Thyme (especially in the essential oil) help to relax veins and arteries, which in turn lowers blood pressure and eases stress on the heart.
  48. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) was used to treat insomnia, migraine, fatigue, and stomach cramps in the good ole days. Today, valerian is promoted for insomnia, anxiety, depression, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause symptoms, and headaches. The roots and rhizomes (underground stems) of valerian are used for medicinal purposes.
  49. Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) can also assist menstrual problems, reducing heavy bleeding, relieving pelvic stagnation and menstrual cramping. As a anti-microbial herb, it can be taken for the first stages of cold, flu and cystitis. Yarrow also has diaphoretic properties. The tincture can be consumed in hot water to reduce fever
  50. Wild Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza lepidota) may have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects as early research suggests; as a result, it may ease upper respiratory infections, treat ulcers, and aid digestion, among other benefits.
  51. Wild Quinine (Parthenium integrifolium) the bark is used to make the tincture; said to enhance your immunity, improve digestion, and relieve leg cramps.
  52. Wood Betony (Stachys officinalis) improves circulation and harmonizes the functions of the digestive system. In combination with its calming effects, it is excellent for digestive distress caused by nervous tension, anxiety, and depression. It can stimulate weak digestion while it also soothes and calms.

Sow Amazing!

We are adding more and varied beneficial herbs and edible flowers to our gardens.

We also are excited about our newest addition...a lavender microfarm! We are learning all about tinctures, healing balms and everything we can produce with our newest healing herbs! 

We are very excited about Spring 2024 and we look forward to growing with you all!

It is important to note that before taking any medicinal herbs, tinctures etc it is recommended to consult with your doctor or natural health practitioner and, especially if you are on any prescription medication. 

Kyla Rawlins
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10 Essential Microgreens To Sow, Grow & Self Nourish!

10 Essential Microgreens To Sow, Grow & Self Nourish!

Microgreens are extremely popular for anyone looking for the ultimate in nutrition with very little required effort and are a perfect option for those looking to grow year round inside, and weather permitting, outside in containers.

Microgreens are considered a ‘superfood’ - they are super high in nutrition despite their teeny size, and can be eaten with or on almost anything, and make an excellent addition to salads, soups, and sandwiches.  Microgreens are used as a garnish dishes or added to smoothies, juices, and other blends to add flavour and pack a nutrient rich punch!

Microgreens can be easily grown in a home environment, which is another reason why they are so popular. There are hundreds of types of nutritious microgreens to grow and eat.                             

Microgreens can be grown from any type of herb or vegetable seed and are all nutritious, and some more than others, as some microgreens have higher levels of vitamins or minerals. Cilantro, green daikon radish, and red cabbage, for example, have the highest amounts of vitamins C, K, and E compared to 21 other varieties of microgreens according to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

Are Microgreens Sprouts?

Microgreens differ than sprouts as they have a longer germination period and do not require full immersion in water to grow. Microgreens are simply smaller vegetable greens (compared to fully matured greens); they maintain a small size but are packed with many essential nutrients. 

All microgreens are grown using either soil or use of a hydroponic system. Hydroponics is a water based method for growing plants in a nutrient rich solution that does not use soil; the roots are supported by inert medium such as rock wool, clay pellets, perlite or vermiculite. This is said to allow the roots to be in direct contact with the nutrient solution and has access to oxygen which is essential for proper growth.

If you choose to use soil, it’s important to calculate the seeding rate for best results.

  • Seeding rate = the number of germinating seeds plus their weight.

Microgreens can be grown in any type of container; the best option is one that will provide air and moisture without too much or too little of either. There is a universal growing guideline for growing microgreens, each one may require a specific method over another. The germination and harvest rate also differs from one microgreen to another. 

Bumbleseeds Choice for The 10 Best Essential Microgreens:


Sunflower microgreens are one of the best foods to add to your diet to benefits your overall health and wellbeing, and they are highly nutritious:

  • Lowers blood cholesterol
  • Regulates hormones
  • Provide essential amino acids
  • High content of Vitamins A, B, D and E
  • Contain Beta-Caretone, Lutein, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, and Phosphorus
  • Sunflower microgreens are low in calories.

Soaking: YES; 12 hours (8-24 hrs recommended)

Germination: typically within 1-2 days

Harvest: 7 to 10 days

Tips: The average seeding rate for sunflower microgreens are about 125 grams, this is based on a 10” by 20” tray. This number may vary is you are using a bigger or smaller growing medium or tray.


Radish microgreens are relatively easy to grow. Also known as daikon and oriental. Radish microgreens have a mild spicy and/or peppery flavour. 

Radish microgreens are:

  • Contain potassium,
  • High in dietary fibre
  • Relieve occasional constipation. 
  • High in vitamins A, B, C, E, and K as well as carotene.
  • Other nutrient contents are folic acid, niacin, iron, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. 

Soaking: NO

Germination: typically within 4 days

Harvest: 8 to 12 days


Arugula microgreens are an excellent addition for salads or leafy dishes – in both taste and appearance. Also known as rocket or rucula, arugula microgreens, and share the same bitter peppery taste as mature rocket.

Arugula microgreens also provide several nutritional and health benefits:

  • provide antioxidants
  • packed full of vitamin C
  • good source of copper and vitamins A, and K
  • helps to lower blood pressure 
  • promotes healthy bone development 
  • detoxifies food
  • contains glucosinolates (GSLs) ascorbic acid ( Vitamin C) and phenols believed to help fend off toxins and environmental stress.

Soaking: NO

Germination: typically within 5 days

Harvest: 10-14 days

Tips: Do not overwater; grows better in low moisture environs.


Broccoli provide the same nutritional value, if not more, than the mature vegetable. Broccoli microgreens have a slightly bitter, milder taste compared to mature broccoli, and are even better due to the rich presence of a compound called sulforaphane - the reason behind its slightly bitter taste. Sulforaphane is a chemical compound normally found in broccoli and other vegetables such as cabbage and brussel sprouts. 

Research surrounding sulforaphane shows that the compound can target the multiplying of cancer cells and many believe it is somewhat effective in preventing cancer, however, any evidence given has been insufficient to date.  Broccoli microgreens should not be heated or cooked as the sulforaphane is a heat-sensitive compound. 

In addition to sulforaphane, broccoli microgreens are:

  • High in vitamins A, C, and K, protein
  • Are preventative towards a number of health conditions including Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis and cancer prevention. 

Soaking: NO

Germination: typically within 4 days

Harvest: 9 to 14 days


There are three different types of beet microgreens:

  • Bull’s Blood
  • Early Wonder Tall Top
  • Yellow

Bull’s Blood is a very popular types of beet to grow as a microgreen; this variety produces microgreens with a vibrant red color (like the deep red color mature beets are known for).

Beet microgreens provide multitudes of nutritional benefits and may serve as a better alternative for those that do not enjoy the earthy taste of mature beets. Beet microgreens are less earthy tasting and are sweet. 

Beet microgreens are:

  • High in vitamins K, C, and E
  • Helps rid the body of harmful toxins while providing powerful antioxidants
  • Can reduce stress
  • Temporarily relieves headaches and bodily ailments 
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes
  • Low in fat
  • Rich in fiber, iron, nitrate, folic acid, minerals, and vitamins.
  • Beets are also loaded with powerful antioxidants and nitrates. 

Soaking: YES; 4-8 hrs.

Germination: typically within 5 days

Harvest: 11 to 20 days

Tips: recommended medium for growing beet microgreens is in soil or coconut coir. 

  1. KALE

Kale microgreens are a great alternative to mature kale; microgreens have a slightly bitter and mild taste similar to spinach or broccoli.  Kale is considered to be one of the best nutrient dense foods and is one of the most popular microgreens.

Health benefits of kale microgreens are:

  • High in vitamins A, C, K1 and B6, and are great for the skin
  • High in antioxidants
  • Extremely low in 

Soaking: NO

Germination: typically within 4 days

Harvest: 9 to 10 days

Tips: recommended medium for growing kale is hydroponics  


Cilantro, and also known as Coriander, is a fantastic microgreen that is very similar to its mature counterpart as it also has a strong citrusy taste.

Cilantro microgreens are:

  • High in vitamins A, B, C, and K.
  • Contain sufficient amounts of calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc.
  • Cilantro microgreens will help support bone development, and vision health
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Packed with antioxidants that assist in immune boosting, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects.

Cilantro microgreens have a much longer growth rate compared to some of the other faster-growing microgreens. Seeds are available as either complete seeds or split.

Soaking: NO - if seeds are split; if not, soak for 4-8 hrs.

Germination: typically within 4 to 6 days

Harvest: 17 to 20 days

Tips: For best results, place seeds in a cooler environment (below 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 21 degrees Celsius); best medium for growing cilantro microgreens is to use soil or coconut coir.

  1. BASIL

Basil microgreens have a unique taste and texture, and are available in many different varieties. Tastes range from sweet, cinnamon-like, to spicy, and zesty. Several types of basil include lemon, cinnamon, Genovese and Thai.

Basil microgreens are:

  • High in polyphenols and vitamins K.
  • Provide anti-inflammatory properties
  • Aid in regulating digestive and other natural bodily functions. 
  • Widely utilized in traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, and other holistic medical systems and has many benefits that support overall health.
  • Rich in polyphenols that assist with gut health and overall health by reducing oxidation and inflammation 

Soaking: NO

Germination: typically within 5 days

Harvest: 12 to 16 days

Tips: Plant seeds directly into a soil medium and lightly moisten. 


Amaranth microgreens are nutrient dense and earthy tasting, and comes in many different colours. Amaranth microgreens are excellent for overall health, and grow and sprout quickly

Some nutritional and health benefits of amaranth include:

  • High in vitamins A, C, and E
  • Contains dietary fiber, calcium, and potassium amongst many other minerals 
  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Speeds up the metabolism
  • Prevents heart disease
  • Packed with manganese, and exceeds daily nutrient needs in just one serving. Manganese is especially important for brain function and believed to protect against certain neurological conditions.
  • Rich in magnesium - an essential nutrient involved in nearly 300 reactions in the body including DNA synthesis and muscle contraction

Soaking: NO

Germination: typically within 5 days

Harvest: 14 to 18 days

Tips: Amaranth microgreens tend to take longer to grow and should be kept in low-light environments. For this reason, this microgreen is a little harder to grow for beginners


Mustard microgreens are one of the best nutritious foods and is available in many different varieties each with their own unique texture and taste ranging from sweet, mild or spicy. 

Mustard microgreens are:

  • High in vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K
  • Promotes healthy vision, heart, and shown to contain anti-cancer compounds. 
  • Rich in important plant compounds and micronutrients, specifically vitamins A, C, and K necessary for eye and heart health, as well as anticancer and immune-boosting properties.

Soaking: NO

Germination: typically within 3 days

Harvest: 8 to 12 days

Tips: mustard seeds grow best in soil or a hydroponic medium. 

Microgreens are an excellent addition for anyone looking to improve their overall health, digestion and also to boost your immunity. Microgreens are packed with nutrition, and despite their small size, they often contain a higher level of nutrients than their mature vegetable versions! There are more than a hundred or so different types of microgreens, and we know microgreens are a smart addition to any diet. We hope you love our choice for the 10 MOST essential microgreens to sow, grow and eat your way to a healthier you!

K Rawlins
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